Saturday, May 13, 2006

Here we go again, are we getting better prepared? No...

"Öljypäästö ei uhkaa Suomenlahtea "
13.05.2006 05:51

Venäjän Koivistossa sattunut öljypäästö ei uhkaa Suomenlahtea.Viranomaisten mukaan Jermilovka-jokeen valuneen öljyn ei pitäisi päästä ajautumaan Suomenlahteen asti. Leningradin aluehallinto vakuuttaa, että öljyn etenemiseen Suomenlahteen on kuitenkin varauduttu lähettämällä jokisuistoon öljyntorjuntakalustoa.
Öljyä on levinnyt 6000 neliömetrin maa-alueelle, josta se on valunut jokeen.Syy öljyonnettomuuteen on yhä epäselvä. (STT)

Picture shows how the water in the Gulf of Finland is circulating. Pleaes observe that all water is going out to the Baltic Sea via the Finnish coast, this is the main problem for us in Finland.

"Oilspill does not treathen the Gulf of Finland"
13.05.2006 05:51
There has been an oil release on land in Koivisto, the Russian oil terminal area. Some oil has been seen to enter the Jermilovka river but local authorities have been able to stop the spread of the oil. Russion authorities have sent a lot of collecting equipment to handle the oil spill, and the message is that the oil will not enter the Gulf of Finland. Yhe oil has been on an area of some 6000 m2. The reason for the spill is unclear. (Finnish News)

This is not a suprise, it is more of a statistical must. Even the big bang coming is a statistical must. Are we prepared?

Should someone do something soon?

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